Taal Client Downloads

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Source code

The source code can be found in https://github.com/TAAL-GmbH/taal-client


Before this client can be used, a valid Taal APIKey needs to be registered in order to bind it with a public key.

1. Register at https://console.taal.com/register

2. Obtain a FREE APIKey

3. Make sure the TaalClient is running

4. Register the APIKey in TaalClient via the Settings page which can be found at http://localhost:9500

  Starts listening for requests on :9500.  This value can be changed via the console (https://localhost:9500) or in the settings.conf file.
  All requests will be sent to https://api.taal.com by default unless overridden  via the console (https://localhost:9500) or in the settings.conf file.

cURL example

To write data, you fire a POST request to http://localhost:9500/api/v1/transactions. The payload of the POST will be written to the blockchain along with the MIME type that's provided in the Content-Type header.

Optionally, there is an additional header that can be set:
X-Tag - the value of this header will be prefixed to the MIME type and payload in the transaction.

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
  -d 'Hello world.' \